Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pipal Analysis of Kippo Honeypot (1 month)

I decided I wanted to check out some honeypots(systems purposely set up to catch and watch attackers and their techniques) and settled with one called Kippo. As described on the google-code page Kippo is:

"a medium interaction SSH honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and, most importantly, the entire shell interaction performed by the attacker."

Since this was the first honeypot I have ever set up, I wanted to start with something simple. So far, for the most part, the interaction that I have gotten from the outside world is mainly scanners/bots looking for easy logins. This particular honeypot also captures the commands typed in once successfully logged into an account. Out of 10 total successful logins, only 3 of them actually followed up a valid login with commands. I have it set up to log all interaction in a mySQL database, and I wrote some bash scripts that just automate the process of retrieving what I want. This post is an analysis of the login attempts using the popular password analysis tool Pipal, a great tool from @digininja.

Output from Pipal:

Total entries = 12174
Total unique entries = 9355

Top 10 passwords
root:123456 = 48 (0.39%)
root:root = 38 (0.31%)
root:password = 36 (0.3%)
root:1q2w3e4r = 33 (0.27%)
root:123456789 = 26 (0.21%)
root:111111 = 25 (0.21%)
oracle:oracle = 25 (0.21%)
root:abc123 = 25 (0.21%)
root:1q2w3e = 24 (0.2%)
root:12345678 = 21 (0.17%)

Top 10 base words
root = 548 (4.5%)
root:root = 303 (2.49%)
root:password = 66 (0.54%)
root:abc = 50 (0.41%)
root:p@ssw0rd = 43 (0.35%)
test = 42 (0.34%)
user = 40 (0.33%)
oracle:oracle = 35 (0.29%)
root:1q2w3e4r = 33 (0.27%)
root:passw0rd = 33 (0.27%)

Password length (length ordered)
3 = 2 (0.02%)
5 = 42 (0.34%)
6 = 41 (0.34%)
7 = 119 (0.98%)
8 = 181 (1.49%)
9 = 627 (5.15%)
10 = 589 (4.84%)
11 = 1569 (12.89%)
12 = 1226 (10.07%)
13 = 2211 (18.16%)
14 = 1258 (10.33%)
15 = 1172 (9.63%)
16 = 761 (6.25%)
17 = 754 (6.19%)
18 = 383 (3.15%)
19 = 321 (2.64%)
20 = 183 (1.5%)
21 = 196 (1.61%)
22 = 106 (0.87%)
23 = 127 (1.04%)
24 = 56 (0.46%)
25 = 70 (0.57%)
26 = 28 (0.23%)
27 = 31 (0.25%)
28 = 15 (0.12%)
29 = 22 (0.18%)
30 = 11 (0.09%)
31 = 13 (0.11%)
32 = 11 (0.09%)
33 = 14 (0.11%)
35 = 10 (0.08%)
36 = 10 (0.08%)
37 = 13 (0.11%)
38 = 6 (0.05%)
39 = 9 (0.07%)
40 = 8 (0.07%)
41 = 7 (0.06%)
42 = 3 (0.02%)
46 = 2 (0.02%)
48 = 2 (0.02%)
49 = 2 (0.02%)
52 = 2 (0.02%)
55 = 2 (0.02%)
57 = 3 (0.02%)

Password length (count ordered)
13 = 2211 (18.16%)
11 = 1569 (12.89%)
14 = 1258 (10.33%)
12 = 1226 (10.07%)
15 = 1172 (9.63%)
16 = 761 (6.25%)
17 = 754 (6.19%)
9 = 627 (5.15%)
10 = 589 (4.84%)
18 = 383 (3.15%)
19 = 321 (2.64%)
21 = 196 (1.61%)
20 = 183 (1.5%)
8 = 181 (1.49%)
23 = 127 (1.04%)
7 = 119 (0.98%)
22 = 106 (0.87%)
25 = 70 (0.57%)
24 = 56 (0.46%)
5 = 42 (0.34%)
6 = 41 (0.34%)
27 = 31 (0.25%)
26 = 28 (0.23%)
29 = 22 (0.18%)
28 = 15 (0.12%)
33 = 14 (0.11%)
37 = 13 (0.11%)
31 = 13 (0.11%)
32 = 11 (0.09%)
30 = 11 (0.09%)
35 = 10 (0.08%)
36 = 10 (0.08%)
39 = 9 (0.07%)
40 = 8 (0.07%)
41 = 7 (0.06%)
38 = 6 (0.05%)
42 = 3 (0.02%)
57 = 3 (0.02%)
48 = 2 (0.02%)
55 = 2 (0.02%)
3 = 2 (0.02%)
52 = 2 (0.02%)
49 = 2 (0.02%)
46 = 2 (0.02%)

           | |                                                          
           | |                                                          
           | ||                                                         

One to six characters = 82 (0.67%)
One to eight characters = 380 (3.12%)
More than eight characters = 11794 (96.88%)

Only lowercase alpha = 0 (0.0%)
Only uppercase alpha = 0 (0.0%)
Only alpha = 0 (0.0%)
Only numeric = 0 (0.0%)

First capital last symbol = 2 (0.02%)
First capital last number = 29 (0.24%)

march = 5 (0.04%)
april = 5 (0.04%)
may = 2 (0.02%)
august = 2 (0.02%)

friday = 1 (0.01%)
saturday = 1 (0.01%)

Months (Abreviated)
jan = 29 (0.24%)
feb = 2 (0.02%)
mar = 103 (0.85%)
apr = 10 (0.08%)
may = 2 (0.02%)
jun = 3 (0.02%)
jul = 18 (0.15%)
aug = 2 (0.02%)
oct = 1 (0.01%)
nov = 3 (0.02%)
dec = 5 (0.04%)

Days (Abreviated)
mon = 50 (0.41%)
wed = 3 (0.02%)
fri = 6 (0.05%)
sat = 23 (0.19%)
sun = 25 (0.21%)

Includes years
1975 = 6 (0.05%)
1976 = 2 (0.02%)
1977 = 2 (0.02%)
1978 = 2 (0.02%)
1979 = 9 (0.07%)
1980 = 6 (0.05%)
1981 = 3 (0.02%)
1982 = 16 (0.13%)
1983 = 7 (0.06%)
1984 = 3 (0.02%)
1985 = 15 (0.12%)
1986 = 7 (0.06%)
1987 = 5 (0.04%)
1988 = 6 (0.05%)
1989 = 8 (0.07%)
1990 = 2 (0.02%)
1991 = 5 (0.04%)
1992 = 1 (0.01%)
1993 = 1 (0.01%)
1994 = 1 (0.01%)
1995 = 1 (0.01%)
1996 = 1 (0.01%)
1998 = 2 (0.02%)
2000 = 1 (0.01%)
2001 = 1 (0.01%)
2002 = 3 (0.02%)
2005 = 1 (0.01%)
2006 = 1 (0.01%)
2007 = 7 (0.06%)
2008 = 3 (0.02%)
2009 = 24 (0.2%)
2010 = 45 (0.37%)
2011 = 25 (0.21%)
2012 = 23 (0.19%)
2013 = 1 (0.01%)
2020 = 13 (0.11%)

Years (Top 10)
2010 = 45 (0.37%)
2011 = 25 (0.21%)
2009 = 24 (0.2%)
2012 = 23 (0.19%)
1982 = 16 (0.13%)
1985 = 15 (0.12%)
2020 = 13 (0.11%)
1979 = 9 (0.07%)
1989 = 8 (0.07%)
2007 = 7 (0.06%)

Single digit on the end = 657 (5.4%)
Two digits on the end = 408 (3.35%)
Three digits on the end = 1361 (11.18%)

Last number
0 = 282 (2.32%)
1 = 599 (4.92%)
2 = 344 (2.83%)
3 = 1427 (11.72%)
4 = 486 (3.99%)
5 = 388 (3.19%)
6 = 805 (6.61%)
7 = 167 (1.37%)
8 = 169 (1.39%)
9 = 235 (1.93%)

   |  |                                                                 
   |  |                                                                 
   |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | || |                                                                 
 | ||||                                                                 
|||||||  |                                                              

Last digit
3 = 1427 (11.72%)
6 = 805 (6.61%)
1 = 599 (4.92%)
4 = 486 (3.99%)
5 = 388 (3.19%)
2 = 344 (2.83%)
0 = 282 (2.32%)
9 = 235 (1.93%)
8 = 169 (1.39%)
7 = 167 (1.37%)

Last 2 digits (Top 10)
23 = 1195 (9.82%)
56 = 710 (5.83%)
34 = 343 (2.82%)
45 = 259 (2.13%)
21 = 125 (1.03%)
12 = 114 (0.94%)
89 = 106 (0.87%)
11 = 89 (0.73%)
00 = 79 (0.65%)
78 = 75 (0.62%)

Last 3 digits (Top 10)
123 = 1180 (9.69%)
456 = 706 (5.8%)
234 = 335 (2.75%)
345 = 240 (1.97%)
321 = 110 (0.9%)
789 = 81 (0.67%)
678 = 70 (0.57%)
567 = 61 (0.5%)
000 = 52 (0.43%)
010 = 45 (0.37%)

Last 4 digits (Top 10)
3456 = 701 (5.76%)
1234 = 335 (2.75%)
2345 = 240 (1.97%)
6789 = 81 (0.67%)
5678 = 70 (0.57%)
4567 = 55 (0.45%)
4321 = 51 (0.42%)
0000 = 44 (0.36%)
2010 = 41 (0.34%)
1111 = 36 (0.3%)

Last 5 digits (Top 10)
23456 = 701 (5.76%)
12345 = 240 (1.97%)
56789 = 81 (0.67%)
45678 = 64 (0.53%)
34567 = 55 (0.45%)
54321 = 48 (0.39%)
23123 = 33 (0.27%)
11111 = 32 (0.26%)
00000 = 31 (0.25%)
67890 = 11 (0.09%)

Character sets
loweralphaspecialnum: 5848 (48.04%)
loweralphaspecial: 4987 (40.96%)
mixedalphaspecialnum: 980 (8.05%)
mixedalphaspecial: 328 (2.69%)
upperalphaspecial: 1 (0.01%)
This tool really made the analysis of the gathered login attempts easy for me. As you can see, the data above shows that easy passwords ( password, 123456, 1q2w3e4r, root, and abc123) are the most common. What disturbs me the most about this, is that the attackers would not use these common passwords in their wordlists if they were not effective. I cannot stress enough how important it is to use complex passwords on ANY account you have. If you are managing or creating accounts that have any of the top 10 password listed about, you might as well consider those accounts compromised if they are internet facing applications. There is no reason for these passwords to be used anywhere. If you use any of the passwords listed above, please go change them now and look for signs of a compromise on your system.

I also found it very interesting that the most common length for passwords used was 13 characters. From the month that this data was gathered, it seems that since attackers are more commonly using longer passwords in their wordlists, that perhaps people are beginning to create longer passwords.

I also found it interesting that the top month names used in password attempts were all months that were close to the month during which this data was gathered (April). One possible conclusion I drew from this was that perhaps attackers were relying on the fact that many companies require users to change passwords due to password policies and were hoping that the users would include the current, or recent month names in their new passwords each time they are required to change them.

I really enjoy collecting the data from this honeypot as it gives great insight into what the malicious programs/scanners/bots/whatever of the internet are up to. It is also really cool to be able to watch a replay of what attackers are actually typing into the shell once they find a successful login. I hope to keep posting more updates as I gather more data and am able to draw better conclusions from that data.

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